I would like to add my congratulations to you for your designation as Freshly Pressed. Freshly Pressed. eh?. I am delighted that you have everything ironed out by now. Sorry. You know, I’m confident, that I am possessed of an irresistible urge to invoke the lowest form of humor whenever the opportunity presents itself. No matter.
The highest praise to you and your quite remarkable blog. You must know, I am sure, that I am a charter member of your fan club for just about fifty-four years. A word about your coterie of commentators ‘. In short, they are a wonderful group of observers, writers and teachers from whom I myself have learned a lot. The are spot-on accurate, and gentle all at once and therefore a pleasure to read.
It has not escaped my notice that one of your photographs does show a small section of books on cookery several titles of a much larger group in fact. So congrats once more, and by the way, Hon, what’s for dinner… The Hub
Comment on Of Making Many Books, There is No End — or Reward? by Frank Bruder