Michele, I’m so happy to see you back here/over here/out here in the blogosphere! (Always had a tentatively joyful feeling that would happen.)
Very interesting points you make, bringing the conversation to a whole ‘nother level. Frizztext mentions the same possible correlation, one which I hadn’t heard. I always blamed my own tendency toward depression on Russian ancestors rather than on self-reflection. Anyway, I could no more give up the latter than I could give up breathing.
As for Mr. Beethoven’s motivation — I regard it as a wonderful mystery. If he were a conduit for the divine, then perhaps he had no choice — if he were to create at all, he would have to create what was flowing in him.
I hope at some points in his life he experienced at least some of the boundless joy his creation has given to others.
Comment on Boundless Joy! by Touch2Touch