Judith, sorry to hear about you and Hub with your sleeping problems but the Hambien is so funny. Mr Kuche always finishes his day in a long hot bath with a whiskey and a book. Laptops etc never come to bed with us, we still read books in bed but . . . I am always the one who tends to wake up later in the night. What does this say about my conscience? I take myself out to the sitting room and curl up on the sofa in the peace and quiet of the night, with a book. It is amazing to see, at that time of night, what some of the neighbors (not in my building but over the way) are up to in the middle of the night, like chopping up white powder while I am waiting for the kettle to boil for my cup of tea. And sometimes, with the view out another window, the light catches me and I end up taking photos of the skyline. But, if ever I am captive to sleeplessness and can’t get out to do this I resort to naming, in alphabetical order, the states of the US. How sad is that! Sweet dreams to you both!