“So if we trace the thread far enough, we — all of us — are helping to finance our own destruction.”
And hasn’t it always been so? History is full of accounts that document the real reason for war, for violence, for the wielding of power through hatred and fear. Our own government participates, does it not? Governing systems are designed for the perpetuation of classes as are religious organizations, mega-corporations, even educational systems. When money (and its attendant perceived benefit) is the bottom line, the bottom line will always be put first above humanitarian concerns. I am not sure I can countenance a “good vs evil” ideology in the sense that good (because of a belief in a higher power) will win out. I think perhaps it’s more a balance we need to seek, that both good and evil are extremes of that place of balance. Will we ever be able to achieve that kind of balance? History doesn’t suggest that it’s likely.
As for what to do – like you I struggle with the enormity of changing the world to a more tolerant and balanced place. My present method is to be as kind, as generous, as loving as possible right here, right now, and if a path opens where I can do more, i must be ready to walk down that path.