Such important work and such an insightful reflection Judy. Thank you. These conversations are extremely important. I posted your remarks on my facebook page.
This was my response posted for my facebook neighbors. I also include a youtube link which presents a wonderful Muslim peace group, made up of ordinary and supraordinary Muslims who work for peace. Bridie’s surgeon, Dr Boachie, from the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC was honored with a peace award for his work in Ghana and the world (without cost) in operating on children and adults with severe and life threatening spinal deformities. He is a living saint. His team from NYC travel with him twice a year at their own expense to help him in his work. He recently retired as full time surgeon in NYC to travel the world teaching others his techniques.
The cowards who were responsible for the surprise (but well planned) attack on the satirical French journalists came face to face with courage, bravery, and freedom. The embodiment of these values was what they put to death. Bravo for the journalists and sorrow for them, their families, and France. These journalists act as court jesters poking and prodding the unacknowledged and oppressive structures. Whatever side we end up on in reflecting on their cartoons – they promote consciousness, not enslavement. Only enslavement to ideology could produce such disregard for life! Shame on those who think their actions are noble. Shame on the cowards. Sometimes I think there should be a blackout on news reporting, agreed to by the people, to deny them the 2 hours of fame they seek.
(if you notice 31 minutes into this video the introduction to Dr. Boachie’s award begins).