This post, dear Judith, simply poignant and OUTSTANDING!
I cannot express myself, my thoughts and feelings in proper English, apart from the fact that I’m in general not a good writer.
All I can say – totally agree with you.
And – thinking/wondering for quite a wile, for at least 2-3 years, why do Muslims who live in western democratic countries not stand up, demonstrate against all the horror in the name of Allah. By that I mean Muslims who live already in the third generation in these western countries.
Still thinking….trying to find an answer.
I’ve send your post to several friends and everybody is impressed and full of YES-YES-YES! to all you say.
Have read carefully all comments, like Ali’s one, and – of course – Karen’s (met her 2 years ago in person).
Also thought why this attack has “created” such a scream worldwide by having in mind London – 10 years ago, Madrid – 11 years ago, Nigeria-Boko haram recently, and all the yearly murdered journalists, over 1100 since 1992,…etc….etc…. All on the headlines for a rather short time, mostly even only for a day!
I think that – this time – it goes back to Voltaire:
“I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
Nevertheless – regarding last Sunday’s “event” – the worldwide solidarity – there is HOPE!
And as we say in German – Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!
In this sense, despite all the world misery,
all my best wishes to you for a very healthy and good year 2015.