I feel a bit late to the party, but that doesn’t dim my hopes for both of you. Your “Hub” looks — you should pardon the expression — fan-damned-tastic. And your tone, however constrained, sounds very good.
In part because I can’t send flowers and in part because a self-described pessimist might benefit, here is one of my all-time-favorite sillies:
Once upon a time there was a little bird who decided not to fly south for the winter. The other birds tried to tell him he was making a big mistake, but the little bird remained adamant. Finally, the other birds gave up and headed for warmer climes. The little bird sat as the cold winds gathered around him. Pretty soon, he decided that the other birds had been right and he had made a mistake, so he took off. He flew and flew and the winds grew colder and colder. Ice began to form on his wings. It wore him down until he decided he was a goner. Finally, he was spent and plummeted to earth.
By chance, he landed in a cow pasture. A passing cow chose the right place and time and took a dump on the little bird. The warmth of the manure thawed him out and he realized that he was not a goner after all. He was so happy, he began to sing. A passing cat heard the singing, dug through the manure, found the little bird, and promptly ate him.
There are three morals to this story:
1. Not everyone who shits on you is necessarily your enemy.
2. Not everyone who gets you out of the shit is necessarily your friend.
3. If you’re happy in your own pile of shit, keep your mouth shut.
Even if you don’t care for the humor, I wish you both the best.