For a long time, the word “prayer” was not a part of my vocabulary, even though it was a part of my general experience (having been raised Catholic). But its association with “religion” is what made me stop using it. I would say, instead, “I’ll keep you in my thoughts,” or “I’ll send you positive energy,” neither of which held the same meaning or intention.
So, I started using “prayer” again – “I’ll keep you in my prayers” – hoping people hear it and interpret it and find comfort in the intention.
Although, I met a woman on a hiking trail once day and she was telling me about a hurtful situation. When I said, “I’ll keep you in my prayers” to her, she immediately said “I don’t pray.” And we found ourselves in this awkward conversation – two strangers quantifying their spiritual beliefs for each other.
Despite that, I’ve come to appreciate the word “prayer.” It, like meditation, has so many nooks and crannies.
(We’re back again, aren’t we? To the meaning of words? )