Hi Touch,
Good golly, there is no short answers to your questions.
The hard work is at the formulation of the authentic mission statements. Ideally, the work for the mission statement should be done between the peaks and the valleys of life, but I have “worked it” in the mites of soul shaking scary times. One of my basic statements is “people before things”. That simple statement makes other decisions a lot easier. In that statement I have eliminated a large portion of the choices available to me in a given situation. It simplifies the decision making process greatly.
Also, I’ve had so many discussions with family and friends about my mission statements they can quote me. I use them as a point of departure for silent contemplation and for the deep conversations.
My statements have developed over the years; mostly in increments so small and so subtle no one would notice; and only occasionally with a great leap. My statements will continue to develop because I view myself as a lifelong learner. Class is always in session.
The intention vs. the mission statement question is sort of the chicken and the egg question for me. I’m not sure what came first or if they are not really one in the same. I guess each informed the other. I’ll give it more thought.
Scorecards; yikes! As my Grandma Inez always said “keep your eyes on your own plate”. The only reason to keep a scorecard is to compare yourself to others. Comparisons can be dangerous. If you place yourself above others you are likely to develop feelings of guilt or distain. If you place yourself below others you are likely to feel unworthy or envious.I know many people hold stock in the concept of “winners and losers, but I think when you hear the stories of the “winners” in life; they usually start with a love of the process. They are present and participating fully. The success is already there for them at that stage. They feel successful inside even before there are results or scorecards that an outsider could recognize or commend. Tear up the scorecard. It serves no one, least of all you.
P.S. I hope I answered your questions.