Ooops – I borrowed the knowledge (and the word progenitor, too) from Wikipedia … I am not an expert on flowers. I even thought from your photos that viola tricolore and horned violet were the same … unless I checked the latin name for horned violet.
So if I sounded competent in my comment – forget it, as soon as possible. I am not. But I am good at passing the knowledge of others on … Never wanted to come over as if those were my words (hence the mention of Wikipedia as source).
I learned today four things. First, most important – to make it even more explicit that a text is not my doing but a quotation. Second, the german word for progenitor (Urahn, Stammvater). Third, what looks like a horned violet must not naturally be one. And last that our garden pansy is stemming from a flower that is known as viola tricolore. That is pretty much for one blog post mentioning the joy about some wild flowers. Thank you for the opportunity to broaden my knowledge.
Comment on TODAY’S PORTRAIT: HERE’S JOHNNY! by franhunne4u