I did some poking around on the ‘Net after I got this interesting comment from you. The images of horned violet (V. Cornuta) look like our “regular” pansies, the cultivated kind that we buy, the second kind I show in the post. The tricolors are a lot smaller and, well, “wilder,” like wildflowers.
You did make it clear that you were quoting from Wikipedia! It’s where I almost always begin the hunt for information —
I like the word Stammvater because I can recognize the “father” part in it!
The whole relationship among pansies, violas, and violets seems pretty complex. I love violets as well as pansies, and will most likely be posting some photos of them also in a little while. They’re poetic, in English — “shrinking violets”, for example — and associated with modesty.
We’re both of us allowed a lot of leeway when it comes to botany and pansies — it seems there are over 500 species in the world! :-)
Comment on TODAY’S PORTRAIT: HERE’S JOHNNY! by Touch2Touch